adrian is rad


other things that makes me happy

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:45 pm

The security guard at my work building’s big head nod greeting and “Zao” (meaning “‘morning”, short for “zao an” meaning “good morning”) every morning.

Kinder Chocolates (and other Kinder products like Kinder Bueno and Kinder Ueberaschung!) are widely available and reasonably priced. Delicious!

2 Responses to “other things that makes me happy”

  1. Colin Says:

    Nice. The Kinder Bueno are really good. I’m not a huge fan of the Ueberaschung, though. Did you know that Ritter Sport are now pretty widely available here? And I don’t just mean at Trader Joe’s and Cardullo’s.

  2. adrian Says:

    The standard Kinder and the Bueno are my favorites.

    Yeah, Ritter sport are available but they’re pretty expensive. Like 2x an equivalent American candy. The Kinder here are about the same price as American brands. Trader Joe’s prices on the Ritter Sport biscuit + chocolate one used to be really good so I’d buy those a lot.

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