adrian is rad


In Pittsburgh, they’re seen as equally important

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:51 am

At PIT, statues of George Washington and Franco Harris (mid-Immaculate Reception) next to each other.


Steelers game, Pittsburgh

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:31 am

Tied 0-0.

Update: Final 31-0.


St. Albans St, Davidson, NC

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:57 pm

Merry Christmas and whatnot.


Total produce: 822

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:44 pm

Total produce: 822
Organic produce: 91
Locally grown produce: 16
Total organic products: 670

I’m surprised that a big supermarket in North Carolina lists this right up front. Even supermarkets in SF aren’t transparent about it.


Bart, Montgomery station; last trip home before the holiday

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:10 am

Can you tell in figured out how to blog from my phone? Don’t worry, I’ll get tired of it eventually.


so excited

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:55 am

Just one week till Boxing Day! I’m so excited


This stuff tastes pretty horrible

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:58 pm

I’d forgotten I came down with a cold last time I went to South Africa.

Also, the cough syrup is in a glass bottle. Who puts medicine in a glass bottle these days?

This is my favorite glass

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:45 pm

This is by far my favorite glass.

wow. that’s pretty hard to believe

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:15 am

I left Taiwan and came back to the States a year ago today.

You can see my initial reactions to being back and my stewed thoughts.

Mostly it just seems strange that that was already a year ago. Time passing–you can’t really avoid it, it seems.

as good as I hoped it’d be

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:00 am

Probably the highlight of my day was that I found a home-made chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich in the back of the freezer. It was one of a a batch that I made for my birthday party at the end of August.

It was as good or possibly even better than I hoped it’d be. The ice cream had sort of soaked into and saturated the cookies, making them super cookies of sorts.


nerd videos

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:28 pm

Animation of a day’s worth of flight patterns in a bit more than a minute. Pretty fascinating:

via core77

A pretty slick bike storage/ locker system in Japan. I’d love to see the mechanism.

via boingboing


gingerbread, pt 2

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:36 pm

Judit and I made gingerbread houses again. I like this part of the year.



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