adrian is rad


another tip: how to iron a shirt

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:39 am

In the general progression to slowly becoming an adult I’m ironing shirts more often. The above video, from shirt maker TM Lewin, helped me become both better and quicker at ironing. I’ve been using this method for a few months and it’s definitely better than my non-method before.

TW Lewin also has videos on how to press (iron) trousers and how to fold shirts.


Dats all dat stuff dats goahin round in dem EEmails were instead of callin Picksburgh Picksburgh, they’ll write it aht Picksburgh

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:13 am

Colin introduced me to this hilarious series Greg and Donny over the weekend. It’s about two guys in Johnstown who live down the street from each other but have taken to video conferencing. It’s really funny. Above is my favorite of them.

Also check out “Videoconferencin'”, “Gina Gets a Snuggie” and “Hummus”. Good good stuff.


my claim to fame

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:34 pm

mark zuckerberg messages me on facebook

Besides being rad and slightly known in the internet music blog world.


the adrian

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:35 am

View Larger Map

(View it larger if it’s not clear.)

I like the definite article here.

Thanks to Colin for sending this.


two of my favorite world cup things so far

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:52 am

source unknown

Apparently this is not a fake headline. I love it.

The background here: a Dutch reporter’s interview with a fan in Soweto is interrupted by South Africa’s first (and the first overall) goal in the World Cup. The result is awesome.


harden the [explicit] up

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:26 am

Not for those scared off by explicit language, but a pretty funny video some Australians introduced me to. I have a hard time not quoting this all the time, even if it’s in self-deprecation.


“I’ll be honest”

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:32 pm

I haven’t watched a lot of Ellen but this clip is hilarious. Thank you, internet.


because when you think “male model” you undoubtedly think “adrian bischoff”

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:38 am



best of journalism 2009

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:24 pm

I’ve been really enjoying going through and reading a number of the pieces on this list of best of journalism 2009. Possibly my favorite is the Michael Lewis piece on the financial collapse of Iceland.


take off

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:59 am

I’ve seen very few of the Superbowl ads but I liked this NFL ad with music from the Arcade Fire.


lyrics to the One AM Radio’s “An Old Photo of Your New Lover”

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:24 am

So the One AM Radio is having a contest with their new song (found here or at the myspace page) and I’m trying to put off some other work, so I’m going to enter. The contest: Ok, let’s do this: the first person to transcribe all the lyrics correctly will get a prize. Type them out, and post them on your facebook page, your blog, website, or something like that, and send us the link.

It’s a good song, by the way. I recommend checking it out.

Oh oh oh oh oh (4x)

A old photo of your new lover
That you discovered in a book she left
Shot in some sun-drenched piazza
Or whatever in Rome or where ever it is she went.
There a sly glint in her eye
And you can only guess at what it might have meant

There’s a world without you.
There’s a world without you.
Oh oh oh oh oh (2x)

A new photo of your old lover
That you discovered to your chagrin
It’s been so long since it all went sunder
That you stopped wondering where she’s been.
Her hair’s changed. Her clothes are strange
At a party where the likes of you would never get in.

There’s a world without you.
Yeah, there’s a world without you.
There’s a world without you.
Yeah, there’s a world without you.

You don’t want the news if you’re not a part of it.
Even if it’s true you still fall apart a bit.
You don’t want the news if you’re not at the heart of it.
Even if it’s true.
Even if it’s true.

You don’t want the news if you’re not a part of it.
Even if it’s true you still fall apart a bit.
You don’t want the news if you’re not at the heart of it.
Even if it’s true.
Even if it’s true.

There’s a world without you.
Yeah, there’s a world without you.
There’s a world without you.
Yeah, here’s a world without you.


Oh oh oh oh oh (8x)



Filed under: — adrian @ 5:32 am

As far as I know, the only person to design multiple nation’s flags is Frederick Brownell who designed South Africa’s and Namibia’s.

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