adrian is rad


top 7 english names I’ve seen

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:48 pm

In the particular building I’m in China, people have name tags up with their name, often their English name but some just go by Chinese names as well.

Here are the top seven English names I’ve seen:

  • Twinkie
  • Swift
  • Cutie [ed. note: actually fairly cute]
  • Gypsy
  • Snowmen
  • Journey
  • Tiny [note: a man was named this]

I might have to name one of my kids Swift. That’s an excellent name.

[Update:] I think Twinkie might actually be “Twinkle”. I did meet a “Blue” today, though.

his new favorite restaurant

Filed under: — adrian @ 5:40 am

For andyl, my roomie, here’s his new favorite restaurant:

It’s in Hong Kong.

focal TEP

Filed under: — adrian @ 5:34 am

FOCAL tep:

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