adrian is rad


old style

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:11 pm

I finally was able to make a theme (wordpress 1.5) out of my old style (wordpress 1.2). So this is what the ol’ blog looked in ’04. I don’t think all of the bugs are worked out, but it mostly works.

I don’t know if I’ll stick with this permanently, but otherwise this’ll be the “throwback theme” week here at adrianisrad.

[Update:] Yeah, comments are broken. I’m not sure what’s up…

[Update2:] Comments are fixed. Heroic!

4 Responses to “old style”

  1. adrian Says:

    Testing comments. I might have fixed them. Heroic!

  2. libs Says:

    disaster averted! Good job! By the way, I am thrilled with the new/old style. Mostly because you alphabetized, which moved me up the blog list. Good job again!

  3. Patrick Says:

    Yeah, I like this one more than your last one.

  4. dug Says:

    home sweet home

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