adrian is rad


be my baby

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:28 pm

Tide (with Febreze) is using the #22 great song of all time, Be My Baby, in one of their commercials. They start with the huge drums from the beginning at the beginning (as well they should) and then there’s an absolutely horrible cut to the first chorus.

The edit’s so bad it hit me like a train.

Ken Jennings likes the Mountain Goats

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:19 pm

So not only does Ken Jennings have a blog (which is hilarious), but he likes the Mountain Goats and he writes about it. How cool is that!

one more day for mix tape 2

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:33 am

I’m going to move mix tape 2 into a password protected folder in one day, so grab it now if you want it and haven’t gotten it yet.

If you missed it, email me (firstname @ and I can give you the password, location etc.

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