adrian is rad


charities update

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:53 pm

So I made some decisions and made some donations. I checked all the charities out on beforehand to make sure my money was going to the right places.

Here’s the breakdown of charities and portions of total money that I gave:

I don’t think any of these are perfect, but they all do good work. Thanks for the suggestions earlier. In the running for next time are Catholic Charities CYO, Archdiocese of San Francisco, Compassion International, and Worldvision.

note: Those of you who know me probably realize that I’m not writing about this because I want to draw attention to myself or anything like that. I’m not (or I hope I’m not). Perhaps you will see this and think about charities if you have the means.

note 2: It’s nearing my birthday and I’m thinking it might be a good tradition to give to charities every year around this time.

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