adrian is rad


jens lekman in a pizza parlor in brooklyn

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:47 pm

As has been mentioned, I saw Jens Lekman in a pizza parlor in Brooklyn before he played at Sound Fix. And there’s photographic evidence.

I also scanned some more pictures tonight of NYC (color, b&w) and Pgh.


Filed under: — adrian @ 5:13 pm

Currently two different network stations (the Fox-affliliate and the CBS-affiliate) are showing two entirely different versions (different shots, different commentators) of the SF Giants v Oakland Raiders game, in which two dreadful teams try not to embarrass themselves.

[Update:] Of course I mean the 49ers v Raiders. Also, they’re replaying the entire game on a third distinct station.

[Another Update:] Seriously, what’s the deal with this game? It’s being replayed on a fourth station.


Filed under: — adrian @ 12:10 pm

I was thinking earlier today that I don’t give enough money to charity. So what are good charities?

I was thinking of splitting it 3 or 4 ways:

  • Local. possibly Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County or Catholic Charities CYO of San Francisco
  • National. Almost definitely Amerian Red Cross
  • One or two international charities. At least one with a focus in (Southern) Africa. Possibly Zisize which a family friend works for

Any suggestions? Favorite charities? Who efficiently does good work helping people less fortunate?

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