adrian is rad


6 things not appropriate to yell between songs at an indie rock concert

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:05 pm

“You rock!” may be an appropriate thing to yell between songs at an indie rock concert. Here are some things that may not be appropriate to yell:

  1. “Not bad!”
  2. “I am not bored!”
  3. “I am undecided whether to buy your CD or not!”
  4. “Your instruments seem to be in tune!”
  5. “If you were on the radio I would not change the station!”
  6. “You guys are OK!”

3 Responses to “6 things not appropriate to yell between songs at an indie rock concert”

  1. Colin Says:

    “That was almost as good as the version on the CD!”
    “Your singing voice has really improved since last time I saw you!”

  2. andy (not andyl) Says:

    “Your bassist is not unattractive!”

  3. Anonymous Says:

    “Who plays next?”

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