adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 10:24 am

Nikon announced the D80 earlier this week. It looks pretty good. One of my Nikon bodies (the N8008s) quit stopping down the aperature on the lens a couple weeks ago, so it’s darn near unusable at this point (and I’d spend more money repairing it as I spent on the camera to begin with) and I’m thinking of moving to a Nikon digital fairly soon.

I’ve also just about never heard a bad thing from a D200 owner so that is in the running as well.

Both of them are serious $$$, especially after already purchasing a Macbook and various trips I’ve taken this year.

vol. 2 on it’s way

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:14 am

Just a teaser here: Online Mixtape vol. 2 (August 2006) is coming up on Sunday night or Monday sometime. I’m in the test-listen stage. There’s one rough spot I want to iron out still, but it’s mostly ready. Then the liner notes and playlist (iTunes, mpu) files.

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