adrian is rad


I would have watched it but it was showing at 3am for me

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:20 pm

Springboks win. World champions! Vrystaat!

Update: This is likely better news for Southern Africa, though Zim is still screwed as far as anyone can tell.

One Response to “I would have watched it but it was showing at 3am for me”

  1. mummy Says:

    This comment comes from Pam’s letter: This letter comes to you from the home of the WORLD RUGBY CHAMPIONS!!! Fantastic, isn’t it……??? This wonderful honour will be ours for the next four years – perhaps we will get used to it, but at the moment its all too new and oh so exciting for everyone here. We just wish you could have seen how everyone was behaving during the past week. On Thursday it was announced on TV that EVERYONE had to wear something green on Friday – absolutely everyone was saying that their blood was green – all TV announcers wore the green and gold jersey, flags flew from motor cars windows, even on motor bikes and bicycles! Ticker tape parades will be held in all major centres

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