adrian is rad


Covers contest, entries #6, song #7, results #5

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:47 pm

The songs for this week was Shape of my Heart by the Backstreet Boys. (Original here).

The entries are as follows:

Some good stuff there.

Listen and vote.

The song for covers contest #7 is Consequence by the Notwist. (Original mp3 here).

The results for last week’s votes (for covers of Flying Pizza by Swearing at Motorists).
Best Cover:
Adrian 1
Andy 1
Dave 2

Most Original Cover:
Adrian 3
Andy 1
Dave 0

I’d like to point out that Andy did not submit a cover so even though I left him in the poll (out of sheer convenience) whoever voted for his cover is dumb.

In other news, Dave and I are the big winners, though Andy was apparently more original than dave when not submitting a cover at all. OH SNAP, dave!

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