adrian is rad


Covers contest #4 results, #5 entries, #6 song

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:51 am

Last week’s cover song was Suspicious Minds by Elvis. The voting went like this:
Best cover:

  • Adrian 1
  • Andy 3
  • Dave 2

Most original:

  • Adrian 1
  • Andy 2
  • Dave 3

Andy and Dave are the big winners.

This week’s song is Flying Pizza by Swearing at Motorists (Original mp3).

The entries:

*like many of my covers, but particular with this one, listening in stereo is better.

Listen to them and vote for the best and most original here.

Next week’s song is Shape of My Heart by the Backstreet Boys. (Original mp3) (Note: this is Dave’s choice and the owner and proprietor of adrian is rad and disavows any association with the choice of this song.)

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