adrian is rad


Boston recap

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:30 pm

I’m sitting in the W20 (the student center) at MIT, burning about an hour before I leave for the airport. I got in Saturday morning early and I’ve been going just about non-stop since then. I hope I sleep some on the airplane because I need to get some rest before I go back to work tomorrow morning. My goodness.

The itinerary, in somewhat chronilogical order:

  • Brookline Lunch with Jesse. Cheap good diner food.
  • hangin out at Jesse’s place. Watched The Breakfast Club
  • Newbury Comics. Bought something for Logan Sandmeyer of
  • Pour House for half priced hamburger night with Elmo, Snellla, Sam, Jesse and Mim. I got the double Wisconsin, of course.
  • Beers on the roof of tEp
  • My Summer of Love at Kendall Square Cinema with mim and Jesse
  • lunch at Thorton’s Fenway Grill with Abe and Amrys, followed by a game at Fenway with the same plus Colin.
  • FroYo at Ankara with Abe and Colin
  • Bukowski’s in Inman with Wally, Mim, Indy, Farhad, Wumph, Mim and Jesse.
  • Get the new Night Rally and Clickers split 12″ from Farhad at April Fog.
  • Breznev’s with Wally, Agi, Morton, Sarah, Blake, Paladin, Kraken, Mim, Andyl, Jesse, and Qwgbo. 2 Peking Ducks is a whole lot of fat!
  • Newbury Comics (this time picking up the new Stars CD, a 2 CD Neil Diamond Set, and the old Time Are a Changin’ CD by Dylan) and a Frappe at JP Licks with mim.
  • the 4th of July Part at tEp. The fireworks, despite other reports, were fantastic and very well done. The music selection in parts could be overlooked.
  • Lunch with Amrys, stop by to see Georgeji (Prof. Ruckert), errands at my Boston bank, buying an MIT ringer T at the Coop, drink a dr. pepper while blogging this.
  • get a sandwhich for the plane, hop on the T

    3 Responses to “Boston recap”

    1. jesse Says:

      were there really 2 mims at bukowski’s?

    2. Adrian Says:


    3. jesse Says:

      like candy!
      or digestives!

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