adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 12:42 pm

I’ve arrived. The two days on planes wasn’t all that horrible, actually.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to rock this jetlag thing. I am multitalented, after all.

Incidentally, The Queen is good. The Guardian is not.

3 Responses to “arrived”

  1. libs Says:

    “I am multitalented, after all.”

  2. libs Says:

    Yes you are! I’ll add “rocking jetlag” to the endless skill-set!

  3. Sarah Louise Says:

    Oh, but the Guardian has…oh right. As a red blooded male you probably are not thinking about watching Kevin Costner for two hours…hee.

    Good to know about the Queen. I enjoyed watching Helen Mirren get awarded for it at the Golden Globes.

    Did you get your Coke at the airport?

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