adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 2:24 am

This is one guy’s report of 2006, with stats about all sorts of things, from how many beers he drank to how many emails he sent.

I’m inspired. I’ve started a spreadsheet and I’ll be keeping track of the following per day:

  • emails sent
  • miles travelled
  • wikipedia pages read
  • beers consumed
  • work day?
  • photos taken (digital/ film)
  • albums purchased
  • concerts attended
  • movies seen (theater/ netflix)
  • hours of TV
  • haircut
  • shave
  • miles biked
  • miles ran
  • miles swam

Andy (not andyl) is also inspired. He’s keeping track of mostly the same list of things.

tired show

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:42 am

I didn’t talk much tonight on my show because I’m tired and lethargic. Here’s the playlist.

Also, I once have the NEWSPECIALFUN, in mp3 form (for a limited amount of time):
I Once was Canadian – 01/10/07 (mp3)

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