adrian is rad


one more day for January mix tape

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:07 pm

Grab the January mix tape while you can; I’ll be moving it to a password protected folder tomorrow (or Wednesday).

One Response to “one more day for January mix tape”

  1. adrian is rad » O.C. music Says:

    […] Apparently the O.C. is over. I’m not sad. I hadn’t ever followed it or really cared about it other than for the music. Articles have been written on the effect the O.C. had on music buying habits related to small time bands. I’d heard so-and-so was going to be on the show here and there, but today I read down down the list of songs (or this one if you’d prefer) on the show and it’s really an amazing list in a way. I mean there are some really pretty small time bands in there, and many bands (and even songs) that I’ve put on my online mixtapes. The shear volume of music is quite amazing. There are 12 songs in some of these episodes. […]

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