adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 7:38 pm

Most of you are probably not near a Sonic so you don’t see the commercials. Heck, the closest one to me is 45 miles away so I probably am at the edge of Sonic commercial range.

There’s a series of funny ones with two guys in a car (for example). One they’ve been running is for the breakfast burrito and I find it pretty funny.

It goes like this: two guys are sitting in a car eating the breakfast burritos. They’re talking along about how full it’s going to make them.

Guy 1: It’s so filling it’s like a feast for breakfast. A breakfeast!!

Guy 2 (not impressed with the new word coinage): uh huh

Guy 1 (again and with weight as if it’s profound): a breakfeast!

Guy 2 (still unimpressed): Uh yeah sure, man.

Brilliant! I am mostly amused by two things: the stupidity of the conversation and the similarity that it bears to many conversations I’ve had.

I hope it shows up on youtube so I can share it with you.

5 Responses to “breakFEAST”

  1. Jesse Says:

    This commercial was a topic of conversation just yesterday! I didn’t previously know what a Sonic was and I’ve certainly never seen one in MA. I was wondering why they show it here. And yes, I also find it amusing.

  2. libs Says:

    Jesse and I were, indeed, laughing about this yesterday! I tried to explain Sonic: a fast food place that is set-up like a very large gas station.(?) But why were they showing a Sonic commercial on a Patriots v. Bills game? We don’t have Sonic around here? (Their website tells me that there are no Sonics within 150 miles of Boston or Buffalo.) Not that I am complaining, it was a hilarious commercial!

  3. New and Improved Libs » alikeness of thinking Says:

    […] I specifically didn’t talk about this Sonic commercial that I saw while watching the Patriots game on Sunday.  We laughed a lot about it at the time.  Then I went to do my morning blog rounds on Monday and discovered that someone else had posted about the hilarity of said commercial.  Even though I had not discussed it with him. […]

  4. jstamps Says:

    I really think this is the best commercial I have seen in a few years. I just love the dudes face when he discovers his new word… its fuckin awesome. Genius

  5. mujahid7ia Says:

    I don’t have one near me either… but it came. Too bad they removed it from YouTube. What kind of fool removes COMMERCIALS from YouTube? Don’t they WANT exposure?

    Anyway, pretty funny…

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