adrian is rad


Jose Gonzalez @ EBF, Stanford

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:27 pm

When I first heard about Jose Gonzalez playing at Enchanted Broccoli Forest from a fellow DJ I couldn’t believe it. Why would Jose Gonzalez be playing a weird coop at Stanford? Well it turns out that it was real and being put on by the Stanford Concert Network, which, it turns out, is being run by yet another fellow DJ these days.

The space in EBF where they had the concert was maybe a dining room or a living room. The posted maximum occupancy was 65. I’d guess there were closer to 222 people in there. It was packed and hot and sweaty. I couldn’t see Jose for most of the show.

But the sound was good and Jose played a good show. He didn’t say much and just ran through his songs and covers. He doesn’t have a giant repetoire yet, so he played most of Veneer and most of the covers he plays.

Final four songs:

  • Heartbeats (the Knife cover)
  • Crosses
  • Hand on Your Heart (Kylie Minogue cover)
  • Teardrop (Massive Attack cover)


  • Love will Tear Us Apart (Joy Division cover)

Pretty dang good final five songs.

One Response to “Jose Gonzalez @ EBF, Stanford”

  1. ipickmynose: an SF-centric indie music blog » St. Vincent, Death Vessel, Ferraby Lionheart @ Cafe du Nord Says:

    […] I’d seen Death Vessel once before, opening for Jose Gonzalez at Stanford. It may take one visit just to get used to him. Like Ferenby, he’s just a guy with a guitar, but the thing that throws you for a loop is that he has long hair and sings in a very high-pitched voice. It was sort of distracting the first time I saw him but this time I was able to just listen to the music more. […]

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