adrian is rad


tenderbutton done

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:38 am

Yesterday was my housemate Mr. Dylan Stiles’ last post on Tenderbutton which has made him totally internet[1] famous[2].

I read from the beginning (literally, I think I was the first non-Dylan reader) to the end and enjoyed it thoroughly. If you’re not familiar with it or have missed some posts, it’s going to be up for only a month more (before being password protected) so check it out now.

Good work, Mr. Stiles [3]. It’s quite something you had going there.

[1] Boingboing is obsessed with ear wax? I guess so.

[2] More famousness not from tenderbutton.

[3] Yes, these explanatory notes are totally inspired by Tenderbutton’s footnote style notes (for instance).

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