adrian is rad


re: faster?

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:38 pm

I made a static version of my page to see what’s making things so slow.

Tell me which is faster to load:

Or if neither load faster.


6 Responses to “re: faster?”

  1. Milkshake Says:

    The static loaded very quickly on my computer. The dynamic didn’t load at all.

    So right now I’m going to say static is faster.

  2. Em Says:


  3. andy (not andyl) Says:

    It might help if you spelled the link correctly, rather than blog.adrianbischoff.ccom

    For the record, the static page loads super-quick, and the dynamic blog loads slowly. So I’d guess that your VMWare machine is a slow little bugger.

  4. Jesse Says:

    The static is a speed demon.

    You may want to consider the wp-cache plugin.

  5. adrian Says:

    Good suggestion, Jesse. I’ll give that a try.

  6. dolphio Says:

    Static r0xx0rs

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