adrian is rad


2 admin notes

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:36 pm

1) I’ve gotten a plugin which automatically turns off comments after 10 days. This is to help crack down on comment spam. If you want to comment on something older than that, you’re weird.

2) I’ve made the comment editting box taller, by request of Andy. It is twice the height at 8 rows now.

3 Responses to “2 admin notes”

  1. andy (not andyl) Says:


    HUGE COMMENT BOX!@!@!@!@

    okay. I’m done.

  2. kristen werner Says:

    so i’m in berkeley at the moment and although i’m leaving to return to the regular hussle and bussle of nyc, and worse, that of graduate school…i was thinking about you being out here and that i have definitely left your email back in new york and have even possibly lost it by now *eek*. anyway, so i found your blog online instead. if you get a chance let me know how things are, and once i re-acquire your email i’ll do the same. i should be back out here in about a month.
    -kristen werner

  3. UR MOM Says:

    hey dude…ur helping me wtih my bordom problems…im at school right now…in virginia beach virginia…and i typed in boogers in a search engine…and ur site popped up? lol…so like ya…im so bord…its study block…im in 9th grade btw…and im seriously bord to death…so ya…exactly who are you and what do u do??? email me at K? lol…cuz im bord like that…ya..l8r dude…lunch *sweet*

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