adrian is rad


hard work on wurly-1 and 6 other things accomplished today (or otherwise recently)

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:16 am

So I got to work on the final preps of what’s going to be Andy’s wurly. I’m going to ship it, so to reduce weight, etc, I’m going to take the bottom/ speakers off. I’m also going to add a line-out and re-route the power, of course. I’d done the power to this one already and the line-out seems pretty trivial so I set about trying to figure out how to take the bottom off. I basically spent 3.5 hours taking 8 carefully placed screws out. Now that I know where they all are and how to take them out without completely screwing up the hammer action of some notes to the point where I have to take off the pickup plate in order to fix my mistakes, I think I’d be able to do it in about half an hour.

I need to pick up a couple resistors and a capacitor to do the line-out line. should be fairly easy.

Other accomplishments of recent:

  • went to Dittmer’s Wursthaus. got some boerewors, chicken apple sausage, weisswurst, thuringer bratwurst and ukrainian sausage for the game tomorrow.
  • got some 40s and bad beer for the game tomorrow
  • swam
  • cleaned my room to some extent
  • rehung my bike in the Jon Werberg-school of bike hanging (single-hook, by the seat)
  • ordered a 50s reissue fender precision bass

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