adrian is rad


album week

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:04 am

I’m currently doing my show this week. It’s album week on KZSU so I’m playing large parts of Our Endless Numbered Days by Iron & Wine, Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens and the Grey Album by Danger Mouse as they are some of the best/ most-significant albums of 2004. I’ll probably compile a best of 2004 show for the early morning of Dec. 31.

In other news, I’ve decided I like the Arcade Fire. A trillion other bands do the same thing and I don’t like them, but I like the Arcade Fire.

2 Responses to “album week”

  1. qwidjibo Says:

    I didn’t know you had a show.

    How can I listen to it?

  2. Adrian Says:

    check for the live stream. I’m on midnight-3am on thursday nights (or friday mornings, depending how you look at it).

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