adrian is rad


a red vs blue that I can get worked up about

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:50 pm

That’s the NFL distribution match for this Sunday’s late (4:15pm EST) FOX game (courtesy of Blue is Seattle @ San Francisco and red is NY Giants @ Pittsburgh.

Regardless of other affiliations, I think we can all safely say that we all want to be in red states for this one.

david lawrence

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:05 pm

There were at least two noteworthy David Lawrences: David H. Lawrence, the English writer of Sons and Lovers among other things–probably the better known of the two–and David L. Lawrence, the Pennsylvania Governor and Pittsburgh Mayor, for whom the convention center is named. Next time you’ll know that D.L. didn’t write Sons and Lovers and D.H. didn’t govern Pittsburgh.

lunch in chinatown

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:00 pm

I spent lunch time walking around Chinatown yesterday. It was really reminiscent of a Taipei in some ways, hills and many white tourists notwithstanding.

Signs in Chinese and badly mangled English. Going into stores with foods only labeled in Chinese. Not knowing quite how much language you share with someone working in a store. Extremely slow old people on the sidewalks…

It’s strange what what one misses about a place.

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