adrian is rad


what a game!

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:29 am

I went to quite a game between the A’s and the Red Sox last night. Mark Ellis hit for the cycle. The Red Sox made a comeback in the 9th to tie it and send it to extra innings. David Ortiz almost homered in the 10th and then Chavez hit a walk-off home run in the bottom of the 11th. Haren pitched really well (whereas Tavarez did not).

Pretty exciting stuff.

Update: Photos here.

One Response to “what a game!”

  1. Sherv Says:


    Where are the pictures? I want to get, at least, that picture of me from a micron away, such that all the ladies in the world will be able to see my enormous pores and hog bristles.

    I had a good time seeing you and Stalin and the rest. May succor never be wantin’!

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