adrian is rad


Oh yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing with all my time

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:45 am

Hi. I don’t know if we’ve met. I’m Adrian and I’m crazy.

Last week’s triathlon training.

Saturday: 2.0 miles bicycling -> 0.9 miles swimming -> 17 miles bicycling -> 3.2 miles running

Sunday: 22 miles bicycling (Old la Honda, 2000 ft elevation gain)

Monday: 3.5 miles running

Wednesday: 1.0 miles swimming

Thursday: 3.5 miles running

Totals (and the goals in parenthesis):

  • swimming: 1.9 miles (2.0)
  • running: 10.2 miles (10-11)
  • bicycling: 41 miles (15-22)
  • brick: one triathlon (at least one brick)

I don’t know if I can keep this up. The running is starting to become a real problem, like a joint pain problem. I think I’ll try to just keep up this week.

  • swimming: 1.9 miles
  • running: 10.0 miles
  • bicycling: 15 miles
  • brick: at least one

One Response to “Oh yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing with all my time”

  1. Sulu Says:

    Be careful about overexerting your joints when you first start running. It’s normal, especially for your ankles and knees, to ache and be gimpy if you ramp up too quickly.

    Don’t run if your joints hurt, it will make them worse. In the past I have had to wait several weeks to heal before I could run again. Maybe you don’t have that luxury, but these things come back to bite you on the ass on race day.

    Good luck roomie!

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