adrian is rad


Announcing new music blog!

I’ve been doing this in stealth for a couple days, but I feel like it’s time to announce my other blog. It’s a music blog.

I’ve felt for a while that I was writing too little about music for this to be a music blog and too much about music for this to be a personal blog. In one case, outside readers see too much personal ranting and in the other, friends get alienated by the constant music talk , so I’ve split it off.

I’ll still be blogging here. I won’t be posting here about music, unless it’s related directly to me, like music I write/ record, radio playlists or if it’s a mixtape. I’ll be co-posting the last two of those.

I feel a bit weird about it—I’m always written this for myself and maybe a couple friends, but writing about any specific x is an admission that someone wants to read that. Now I have a whole blog where I pretend that people want to read my writing about music.

tonight’s radioo

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:45 pm

I had a 3 hour slot–from 6-9pm tonight. Playlist.

The streamripper had to reconnect so it split the mp3 into two parts for this week’s NEWSPECIALFUN:
I once was Canadian, KZSU – 3/28/07 [1/2] mp3
I once was Canadian, KZSU – 3/28/07 [2/2] mp3

For the record, it appears it split it right in the middle of Spanish Harlem.

5 odd questions I or passengers in my car were asked by a member of the MPPD after being pulled over for an out left tail light

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:28 am

5 odd questions people (totaling 5) in my car were asked by a member of the MPPD after being pulled over for an out left tail light on Sunday:

  • “Hey, engineer in the back, what operating system do you use?”
  • “Are you brother and sister?”
  • “Are you married?”
  • “Saving on gas, are you?”
  • “What do you have against the regular units?”

And, yes, I’ve replaced the bulb; it’s fixed.

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