adrian is rad


I can’t complain

Filed under: — adrian @ 9:03 am

A pretty good evening last night.

First Uncle Frank’s BBQ in Mountain View w/ andyl and liz. This place is awesome. You walk through to the back of Francesca’s bar to get there and it’s the sort of place where there are paper towel holders at the tables. They don’t mess around. Ridiculous brisket, good links and ribs, good corn bread. I couldn’t get to the sides (baked beans and greens) due to stomach capacity issues. Hilarious waitress.

Second, my friends the Light Footwork played at Make Out Room. They have cheap beers. When’s the last time you got two pints (Anchor Steam and PBR) for $6? (Answer only if you live in an overpriced city.) The Light Footwork put on a fun show, as always. I also ran into KZSU alum Nick Mirov again. We chatted about SXSW and various bands.

Really, I can’t complain. Good times.

google maps have traffic?

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:52 am

Those google people are CRAZY.

I noticed the other day that there was a new option on my google map, traffic.

Looks like I should take the 280 and avoid the 101. It’s a bit slow around 92.

[I just learned it’s about three weeks old and it’s only available in 30 cities so far. When’s the Bay Area going to get google transit anyway?]

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