adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 5:43 pm

There’s this sign (I know, awesome picture!) on the outside of a firehouse (SFFD Station 6, for the record) near the Cafe du Nord:

The first time I saw it, I think I did a double take. That’s a picture indicating a person handing over a baby.

There was a passing mention on the TV a week later of a Safe Surrender Baby Law that apparently exists in California. New mothers can give up their baby at a hospital or some fire stations without fear of legal ramifications.

Wikipedia has an article and it looks like most states have laws on this topic of varying degrees. I find it strange.

radio show with the SPECIALNEWFUN

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:24 am

I did my radio show tonight. Playlist.

And!!! the SPECIALNEWFUN: I recorded it and thanks very much to mim who’ll be hosting the mp3s.

I Once Was Canadian October 25, 2006 (mp3)

The recording starts a bit into the show this week (and might, actually, cut off a little bit before the end–ack!). I am trying to get it to automagically record it, but there was a hiccup this week. I’ll try again next week!

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