Liveblogging the ALDS A’s-Twins Game #3
I’m going the A’s-Twins game in a couple hours and I’m going to try to liveblog it from my sidekick. I’ll do it between innings and stuff. Check back for updates!
11:40am. we’re in the car in palo alto. there is traffic on university ave.
12:49pm. we’re in traffic around the stadium. total mess.
1:54pm. we got to the game late after having to park a while away. chavez hit a home run and a pair of doubles made it 2-0. sweet. I picked up a total fratboy a’s hat on the way in.
1:58 1-2-3 inning with a’s on d. there’s a guy dressed as a banana in the next section. I don’t know his deal. he’s yelling a lot.
2:12pm. milton bradley hits a 2 run homer. pass go and collect $200!
2:19pm. twins hit a home run and the fans yelled at the guy who caught the ball until he threw it back
2:43pm. a bit of a hiccup with 2 outs on D but no damage in the end
3:17pm. twins scored one last inning though they had three on base. a’s side went down pretty quick. this inning they took haran out.
3:21pm. twins went down quick. 6 outs left. 7th inning stretch now. singing ‘god bless america’. I’d like to point out that though it’s a patriotic song, it’s not the national anthem so no need to take off your hat and face the flag.
3:32pm. chavez came very close to hitting a 2 run homer on a 3 2 pitch with 2 outs. ended up being foul. next pitch was at his head. now the bases are loaded on an error
3:44pm. a walk with the bases loaded and then a bases clearing double!!@! mark scutero!
4:07pm. they win the series!!@!!
post game notes: this was a fun experience, a fun game to go to. The crowd was really into it. The guys with flags were there; the guys with the whistles and drums were there. As were the flags and banners. People cheering at every instant. It was cool to see a team win a series in person. I’ve been to 3 game 7’s (2 Pirates and 1 Penguins) where the team didn’t win and that’s always disappointing.
I seriously love high fiving people I don’t know. It’s great.
October 7th, 2006 at 11:17 am
Did you try to get tickets for the ALCS?
October 7th, 2006 at 1:38 pm
I have tickets for home games 1 and 3 (if necessary) and game 7 (if necessary and if in Oakland) of the ALCS. weeeeee
October 8th, 2006 at 1:42 pm
[…] Friday: Oakland A’s ALDS game 3. Jose Gonzalez at EBF, Stanford (to be blogged) […]