adrian is rad


80, 80 miles on these legs

Filed under: — adrian @ 5:20 pm

I’m getting ready to ride around Lake Tahoe and I’m woefully underprepared, I’m finding. I’m also coming out of a period of 7 flats in three weeks, which I thought was resolved on Thursday with my tune-up/ inspection but should definitely be resolved now with my new tires.

So anyway, from Friday through Sunday, I pushed it a bit (not as much as pat, but still), doing 80 miles and about 5000 feet of gross elevation gain. The breakdown was one of these which has some rediculously beautiful parts going down 35 there, and three Portola Valley loops. I ate at In n Out without shame last night. I’m going to take a break until Wednesday.

2 Responses to “80, 80 miles on these legs”

  1. Patrick Says:

    Wow man, looks pretty. And 5000 feet of elevation is huge! Congrats.

  2. adrian is rad » Blog Archive » finished! Says:

    […] So, I’ve talked a few times about doing the Tahoe Century and now I’m done, so here it is. […]

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