adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 12:48 am

Yeah, so I upgraded to wordpress version 1.5.x today. Turns out that my nice fence stylesheet thing doesn’t immediately work with the new ‘theme’ thing WP has and my attempts to convert it have thusfar failed.

So I have this theme that I like in general but of course the specifics won’t work at all. I’ll probably be changing and redoing it over the next few days. Does it totally suck?

In other news, users of WP 1.5, what are good/ necessary plug ins?

5 Responses to “wp”

  1. Jesse Says:

    I’m not excited about the new theme. maybe I am just not used to it yet.

  2. adrian Says:

    I like it more now that I’ve customized it a bit.

  3. Alex Says:

    Here’re some of the plugins that I use:

    Very useful:

    Spam Karma — this is the anti-spam plugin that I use and it’s really good. Hardly any spam gets by.
    WordPress Database Backup — This is a plug-n-play plugin to backup your WordPress database. It can e-mail the backup to you or offer it as a download (or just store it on the server).
    Intouch — plug-n-play “Contact Me” form
    WP Autosave — automatically saves in-progress posts while you’re writing
    Referrer Karma — a sister product of Spam Karma, this helps block referrer spam
    Live Comment Preview — adds an as-you-type preview to comment boxes. And in most cases it’s a zero-configuration install.
    Spelling Checker Plugin — this adds a “Check Spelling” button on the Write Post screen and it does just that (via a popup window spellchecker, so that you don’t have to leave your post).

    Probably useful:

    WP Shortstat — an easy stats plugin viewable within your admin interface
    Related Entries Plugin — this adds an automatically generated set of “related entries” to the bottom of each post. It makes good selections for the most part.

    Could be useful:

    Text Control — this allows you to turn off all autoformatting to allow for writing any HTML you want in your posts
    Cat2Tag — allows you to create categories on-the-fly from a Write Post page through a space-delimited textbox

    Also, you may want to setup pretty URLs for your site (such as There’s not much to it and search engines prefer those types of URLs as well.

  4. Patrick Says:

    Sorry, I don’t know of any plugins, but I think the upgrade helped your RSS feed. In the past, I’d receive your topic headings fine in my Google homepage. But, when I clicked on the links, I received an error. Now, the links work!

  5. Urban Saddle » Now that’s what I’m talking about Says:

    […] Stats from this blog. If you haven’t downloaded it, get it. And if you’re a wordpress user and want to know this sort of info (and other things), get ShortStats. Thanks Alex! […]

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