adrian is rad


nice kickball

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:41 pm

This has probably been up for a while but Hirishikesh Hirway’s The One Am Radio has made a video for “Witness.” In a way it’s one of the best video’s I’ve seen. I like the song more because of the video and it has a story I really like too. It’s about kickball and love. Hrishikesh can be seen a few times during the video, most notably as the first baserunner. Anyway, it’s worth watching.

3 Responses to “nice kickball”

  1. Milkshake Says:

    I love it

  2. Patrick Says:

    Yeah, I like it too. Kickball and love. Two of the best things life has to offer.

  3. adrian is rad » the One AM Radio at Fort Oregon Says:

    […] On Friday I saw Hrishi Hirway and the One AM radio at Fort Oregon in Berkeley. I’ve mentioned the One AM Radio before in this post about his kickball music video (which I still love) and this concert recap of his last Fort Oregon show. […]

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