adrian is rad


this one goes out to j dawg

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:26 am

I was reminded of this today. Human Clock is a pretty sweet site where they have have pictures of the time for every minute of the day. The pictures aren’t of clocks (usually), but rather people holding up the numbers or the numbers occuring in scenes around the world. That’s a dumb description, so just go see for yourself!

Also, there’s a new thing which is the time song database which is trying to collect all the songs with times mentioned in the lyrics. That’s pretty cool. I’m trying to think; there must be some Mountain Goats songs with the time. John Vanderslice maybe?

radio shows

Filed under: — adrian @ 1:19 am

I did two radio shows today. man am I tired. blah!

Today’s Lunch Special with Mayor Jim Burch turned out to be really interesting. He’s led a facinating life.

Then I did a sub for an indie rock guitar show from 9-midnight, with a playlist here.

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