adrian is rad


go SOX

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:52 pm

I went to the BoSox vs. Oakland A’s game tonight at the Coliseum. It was a really exciting game!

Sox out to an early lead. Oakland scored a few runs to a 5-3 lead and then the Sox scored 4 in the eighth to take the lead, which they held onto to win. Very exciting.

The Coliseum is an old concrete cookie cutter stadium, but it’s actually sort of charming in that way. Lots of bathrooms, quick to get out at the end of the game without much battling the crowd. The bleacher seats are cheap and the view isn’t bad at all. And the Oakland fans are quite devoted. I like that. Even though in the end they will LOSE to the Sox. HA!

One Response to “go SOX”

  1. Sherv Says:

    What about the scuffles in the crowd? What about the Jujubes? What about Johannes Damon, Esq.?!?!

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