adrian is rad


That was, well, surprising. Pirates 5-2 vs. Giants

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:07 pm

I went to the Pirates @ Giants game last night with Quincy and, what do you know, they won 5-2.

I have to admit, I’m not a great fan, in the classic sense. My teams are not infallible and in the case of the current Pirates, I didn’t go to the game expecting them to win.

They got off to a slow start and were down 2-0 when Jason Bay smashed a ball into left center for a 3 run home run. Things looked up from then on out. There was a ton of good fielding (on both, teams, actually) and a couple more solo homers from the Pirates. Let’s go Bucs!

Quincy bought the tickets Monday afternoon and we got seats in the front row on the first base line. The (non-enclosed) Pirates bullpen was about 10 feet away. Apparently I got on TV too! Mike Bokoch, fellow Pittsburgh-Peninsula transplant, watched the game and saw me. I was right in front of a kid that got a ball from a ball boy. According to Mike, the shot stayed on us for about 30 seconds! I’m famous!

In other strange news, I ran into Balaji Sarpeshkar, someone I knew from high school (USC Class of ’99 rules!) at the Caltrain station after the game. I don’t think he recognized me and I didn’t give him much chance to figure it out; I shook his hand and told him my name (because it seemed he didn’t recognize me) then bumbled for a couple seconds about how it was weird to run into him and then said I had to make sure I caught the next train and then did so. Maybe he’ll google for his name (everyone does it. it’s natural) and figure out who I am and whatnot.

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