adrian is rad


Safety at the bank

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:54 am

I took a large sum of money out of my bank today in cash. I gave them my member number and they proceeded to give me what I wanted, without ever asking for ID.

Anyone could have my member number.

new then old

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:06 am

My playlist for this week.

I am feeling a bit under the weather so I asked for a sub. No one wanted my prime slot, so I decided that if I was going to do it, I wasn’t going to do my normal show. I’d pick a bunch of oldies beforehand and then just basically sit back while my show happens.

As it turns out it’s been grueling. A bunch of 2 minute songs means I always have to be on the ball and ready with the next song. As to illustrate: I normally do about 41 to 43 songs in my 3 hour show (sometimes as few as 35, from further investigation). I did 44 oldies songs in the last 2.25 hours alone.

It’s been good, though.

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