adrian is rad


US America

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:46 am

My country of birth listed on my ID is “U.S. America.” There’s obvious wisdom to this abbreviation and I think we should all adopt it. All in favor?

2 Responses to “US America”

  1. Mummy Says:

    We are so excited to see you here again – with a whole new set of experiences and perspective behind you. It will be interesting to get your take.

  2. Kathleen Says:

    You asked–all in favor–and I wrote “Aye” and it wouldn’t go–the program told me it was too short a response. Hey, I could have written “I”.
    All opposed?
    Now, I’m rambling–just want to be sure that this comment is long enough.
    Well done, Adrian–
    happy and safe journey to you.

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