adrian is rad


geek time!

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:02 am

I saw the craigslist headquarters in the the Inner Sunset yesterday. I was pretty excited.

Here’s my photo through the bus window. The ladies on the bus looked at me very strange for taking this photo.


3 Responses to “geek time!”

  1. Colin Says:

    I saw Craig Newmark on the Colbert Report and he definitely came across as a bit of a geek. None of the witty repartee that most politicians can muster. Although I generally dislike Ed Rendell, I have to admit he was really funny on the Daily Show.

  2. Liz Says:

    I worked at a conference with Craig. He was super nice, if a bit geeky. …I had to sit on my hands in order not to get all fan-girly.

  3. Tarq Says:

    The “g” in that font is horrible.

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