adrian is rad


adrian reviews everything: lucerne green tea yogurt and fight quest

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:37 pm

[Yes, I’m consciously stealing the title.]

Lucerne (Safeway’s house brand) now has a green tea light yogurt. It’s really good. I’ve been enjoying it frequently. The mango green tea is also good, but I’d give the peach green tea flavor a skip.

Fight Quest is a pretty fascinating show. I caught a couple episodes of it today. Two guys travel to different regions of the globe to learn regional martial arts styles. They have 5 days of intense training and then they have to fight a skilled fighter of the style. I’m not quite sure why it’s fascinating; maybe it’s seeing these guys push themselves to the limit.

10 Responses to “adrian reviews everything: lucerne green tea yogurt and fight quest”

  1. libs Says:

    “Fight Quest…?” You have cable. That is weird.

    Also, Lucerne dairy products are generally pretty awesome, in my experience. They are much better than most store-brand products. I get the yogurt (a variety of flavors and always the plain) and the cottage cheese weekly. It is cheap and good.

  2. adrian Says:

    Yes, the place I’m currently in has cable with far too many channels. But even my old place had basic basic cable with Discovery Channel.

    Libs! Funny thing, though–their light plain yogurt (or low-fat or whatever’s the “best for you” plain yogurt available) has more calories than their light flavored yogurt! Counterintuitive!!

  3. libs Says:

    I do not have cable, not even basic cable. Nada.

    Yeah, the flavored has fewer calories, it is dumb, but I get the plain for my roomie, he uses it in recipes, not just to eat.

  4. adrian Says:

    Well, then… Good for you.

  5. Sarah Louise Says:

    Sadly, in Pittsburgh, we have no Safeway. We hardly have Foodland (which I only mention because the radio commercials, “there’s a Foodland close to home” drive me batty because NO THERE ISN’T.) The market is dominated, as you surely know, by Giant Eagle. Shop and Save is making a dent, and we even have Trader Joes! Oh, and Whole Foods. But Safeway, we do not have. I’ll have to ask my sister about this yogurt of which you speak.

  6. Colin Says:

    In the Boston area, Market Basket is where it’s at. They have the best prices around, so the place is usually packed. Unfortunately, this means you may have to circle the parking lot a few times just to get a space. However, because it’s so busy, the produce is always being restocked, so it’s always fresh. I don’t know anything about their store-brand yogurt, though.

  7. Alex Says:

    Is the Lucerne green tea yogurt fat-free or low-fat? (I’m hoping for the latter, but that’s just me.)

  8. adrian Says:

    Alex, I think it’s fat-free, but certainly doesn’t taste like it.

  9. Taiwan » Blog Archive » Game show hopes to attract 300,000 visitors Says:

    […] adrian reviews everything: lucerne green tea yogurt and fight quest [Yes, I’m consciously stealing the title.] Lucerne (Safeway’s house brand) now has a green tea light yogurt. It’s really good. I’ve been enjoying it frequently. The mango green tea is also good, but I’d give the peach green tea flavor a skip. Fight Quest is a pretty fascinating show. I caught a couple episodes of it today. Two guys travel to different regions of the globe to learn regional martial arts styles. They have 5 days of intense training and then they have to fight a skilled fighter […]

  10. anna Says:

    I must say that green tea is a really good stuff to keep you fit and young.
    i have been using it for a while a loving it .
    You ever found this stuff , i guess the chinese , are really great , thanks.

    I have started a blog of green tea as well . its at .

    Not as good as yours though !!!!

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