adrian is rad


starting in the short month

Filed under: — adrian @ 8:45 pm

As of February 2, I’ll be a resident of the city and county of San Francisco.

2 Responses to “starting in the short month”

  1. Colin Says:

    Will this affect your involvement at the Palo Alto Lawn Bowls Club? From their website: that Chris Ashworth character looks like a stud. Also: you should totally go to their Robert Burns night.

  2. adrian Says:

    My involvement has been pretty low for a while now. First it was my South Africa trip, then I was really busy, then I played some in the summer, but I was in Taiwan for the fall. I renewed my membership for ’08 and I’m going to try to get involved again, but moving to SF is definitely going to affect things. There is an SF lawn bowls club too, so I might check them out.

    Yeah, Chris is pretty good.

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