adrian is rad


a little help: prevos?

Filed under: — adrian @ 7:55 pm

I’m trying to transcribe an interview and I can’t get this right. Maybe someone can help: I’m looking for a car make or model that sounds like prevos, prevost, prebos, frebos or something like that. It’s most likely fast and expensive and probably glamorous. It would fit into this sentence:

You want to be in a Prebos* driving 150 miles per hour while people are shooting heroin.

I don’t think it’s “Enzo”–that’s too far from what it sounds like on the recording, though it does fit the description. Prevost make car carriers but not cars, from what I can tell. Anyone?

update: mp3. Listen for yourselves.

double update: from the source: Prevost, as in a motorcoach or band tour bus. I was wrong in thinking it was a fast car–just a fast tour bus I guess!

3 Responses to “a little help: prevos?”

  1. Jennifer DiMase Says:

    it’s not prius, is it??

  2. adrian Says:

    No, a Prius’ top speed is 105 mph, despite the fact that it’s not a glamorous car of a rock star life.

  3. libs Says:

    Lotus? Also, Lotus makes an Elise?

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