adrian is rad


$10 million vs $380,000. Who wins?

Filed under: — adrian @ 6:06 pm

On Sunday I saw the Pirates and Giants play at ATT Park with dug.

The pitching match up was $126 million Barry Zito (the highest paid pitcher, 2007’s stake is $10 million) vs. $380,000 Tom Gorzelanny. Zito walk the first three batters, gave up a two-run home run and a two-run triple (both to Josh Phelps). Meanwhile, Gorzelanny had his first complete game shut out, helping him earn the National League co-player of the week honors.

It was a fun game to watch and it was the first time I’d sat in the left field bleachers (5th row–nice grab, dug!). All in all a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Both teams then flew to Pittsburgh for a make-up double header on Monday. I’m only mentioning it because there was some craziness with the line-up on the Pirates behalf. Between the two games, here’s some of the odd positions:

  • Doumit, normally a backup catcher, playing right field (until he sprained his wrist)
  • Castillo, normally a 3rd baseman (or utility infielder), playing right field (once Doumit went out, first game)
  • Bautista, normally a 2nd baseman (or utility infielder), playing left field (second game)
  • Phelps, normally a 1st baseman, catching


there is a cricket on the window

Filed under: — adrian @ 3:40 pm

inches from my head. It’s so close the sound feels like it’s coming from inside my head. It’s sort of freaking me out.

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