adrian is rad


miracle cures 90 days at a time.

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:09 pm

There are very few things I can convince myself to do daily. Brushing my teeth, getting dressed, eating and showering are about it and those I notice very soon if I don’t.

Things that take a longer time to see the effects of, I’m not very good. Physical therapy I can do for a while but it’s hard to stick with. Exercise I can handle on the times per week basis, but not on the daily basis.

Starting today, I’m going to start two things (that may or may not help me in the long run) that take 90 days (at least) to see an effect: Glucosamine and Minoxidil.

Glucosamine is a supplement that’s been shown to help some portion of the population’s joints in rebuilding. Now, I don’t have joint problems because I’m not old (and only old people have joint problems), but if I did they’d be left ankle, right and left knees, and right elbow and to a lesser extent left elbow, right and left shoulders. The dose that’s been studied is 1.5g (1500mg). This is a very large pill.

Minoxidil is just for fun. Any problem that it treats that you might think I have is a figment of your imagination. This problem simple does not effect me.

4 Responses to “miracle cures 90 days at a time.”

  1. Colin Says:

    I took glucosamine for a few days back a few months ago. Shortly thereafter, I thought I had some kind of serious digestive problem. It turns out that glucosamine can give people wicked gas. So, just in case you think there might be something wrong with your digestive tract, be aware that it might just be that your body doesn’t like glucosamine. Actually, I took a glucosamine/chondroitin tablet – I can’t remember which of those ingredients was actually the cause of the problem. Anyway, it’s well-documented that this type of supplement can cause problems.

    Let me know how the Minoxidil works out for you.

  2. M3M Says:

    A little bird told me that Propecia might be worth looking into. Taking a pill is easier than squirting stuff on your scalp, and I suspect it is at least as effective. Or take both for super-extra hair-growth efficacy.

  3. Hannah Griffith Says:

    I have found glucosamine to be very helpful for weightlifting related shoulder problems.

  4. libs Says:

    as long as you are just trying stuff for fun, how about this: A New Kind of Hat

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