adrian is rad



Filed under: — adrian @ 3:12 pm

Business Week has a article about Best Buy’s new corporate philosophy of measuring output rather than hours at a desk. They’re basically encouraging people to come in late or leave early as long as they get their work done.

It’s sort of like flex-time, but it isn’t because the metric (hours vs. output, however that’s measured) is different.

I do enjoy collaboration so doing away with the office entirely sounds like a bad idea to me, but something along this line sounds pretty good.

One Response to “metrics”

  1. Sarah Louise Says:

    Rooting for them, indeed. My schedule is sort of like this–working women have to pick up kids, take care of the family dog, whatever. We still have to keep track of our total hours per week, but since the library is open most days til 9pm, it increases the time in which you can show up and get things done. I prefer being in the office when others are there, though–it keeps me honest.

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