adrian is rad


Vinyl Gem: Magnetic Fields “Rats in the Garbage of the Western World”

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:00 am

[this is possibly the first of a series of ‘vinyl gems’, songs that are weird or wonderful and can only be found on vinyl records]

This is a total gem that the station’s music library. It’s from the b-side of “All the Umbrellas in London”, one of the best Magnetic Fields songs out there.

This song is just crazy and weird.

I’ll give on one reason to take a listen to this and it’s the only reason you’re going to need: the chorus is “We are the rats in the garbage of the Western world…so let’s dance!“.

Magnetic Fields – Rats in the Garbage of the Western World (mp3)

3 Responses to “Vinyl Gem: Magnetic Fields “Rats in the Garbage of the Western World””

  1. Colin Says:

    I’m 95% sure I have this my parents’ house. My initial thought was that it was on the House of Tomorrow EP, which I have on vinyl, but it’s not. I don’t think I have the “All the Umbrellas in London” single, so I’m not sure how it is that I have this. I’ll have to check when I’m home at Christmas.

  2. adrian Says:

    It doesn’t appear it’s on the House of Tomorrow EP. Maybe I’m wrong.

  3. Urban Saddle » Another Magnetic Fields Post Says:

    […] There seems to be a lot these days. […]

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