adrian is rad


in case there is any doubt

Filed under: — adrian @ 12:59 pm

I will let you know: Bam Stain and Drain Cleaner works. I don’t know if my respiratory system will ever be the same but it works.

3 Responses to “in case there is any doubt”

  1. Colin Says:

    Hmm. Ignored the “Use only in a well-ventilated area” warning, didn’t you? I usually do as well and so far my respiratory system has bounced back every time…

  2. spultek Says:

    BAM is really the only cleaning product one needs. And certainly the only one I use.

  3. spultek Says:

    It’s unclear whether BAM is more or less effective than similarly intended cleaners, but the moral effect of the bright label and logo more than compensates.

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