adrian is rad


I once was an early riser

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:56 pm

My radio show, I Once was Canadian will be on in its old time slot this week: Thursday 6-9am PST, due to a visitor.

So, all you east coast people can listen live. I’ll be tired and it’ll be early, so you can listen to my deep, groggy just-woken-up voice on the radio. Tune in!

amrys? tarky?

Filed under: — adrian @ 2:51 pm

Do you guys still read this thing?


do I write too much about music? have I alienated you with my incessant talk about music?

do you have favorite types of posts on the old

I am here to egotistically proclaim my greatness, but if I can do that while also providing something interesting to read, maybe I can tweak the formula.

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