adrian is rad


nice mash ups

Filed under: — adrian @ 4:19 pm

As Chris at gorilla v bear says, you probably need more mash ups like you need a heart attack, but these are some good ones.

Who would think of mashing up Jose Gonzalez, the Swedish/ Argentinean equivalent to Iron & Wine, with hip hop tracks? Not me certainly. But some dude did. And I like the results.

Go here to get them. I like 2 Words better (Kanye + Jose).

I tend to like hip hop in mash up form better, because sometimes I feel like the music part of hip hop is sometimes done without paying much attention to it. In mash ups, especially with songs that I know and like, there is attention paid to the music part, at least in equal parts to the lyrics in this instance.

And I like hearing soft acoustic music with hip hop drums on top.

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